SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Exam syllabus

How to Do Targeted Revision for PSLE

14 August 2020

This year’s Primary School Leaving Examination or PSLE is fast approaching and students are now clamouring to review for the exams so they can get...

How Parents Can Help to Improve Your Child’s Articulation Skills for Oral Exams

01 July 2020

You may have noticed that every child tends to vary when it comes to how their speech patterns develop. Some children will be able to...

Most Common Pronunciation Mistakes in English Oral Exams Made By Singapore Students

28 June 2020

Oral exams are an important part of every language course for students because this allows both students and parents to see if they are starting...

Changes to National Exams in 2020: List of Topics Removed from PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level

26 June 2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore Schools from all levels were closed for 2 months and online learning was made the alternative to help students keep up...

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