SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How Early Should You Start Teaching Your Child About Money?

07 April 2024

It begins with the first grocery trip. Or sometimes, it’s when they want a new toy. It would be the start of a long conversation...

Artificial Intelligence for Students – How to Use AI for Effective Exam Preparation

02 April 2024

[Freepik: freepik] What is the worst thing about exams?  The perceived difficulty of a test? Time management skills? Or, trying to remember everything you learned?...

The Cramming Myth: Debunking the Secrets to Effective Last-Minute Studying!

26 March 2024

Have you heard of the "cramming myth”? That last-minute studying can miraculously help them memorize vast amounts of information just before an exam. Indeed, many...

Stress Relievers — Exercise For A Healthy Mind

18 March 2024

[Unsplash] Stress is an inescapable part of life. It is your mind’s natural response that reacts to challenges that you face, and can often be...

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