SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

Nurturing Children With Special Needs: How to Adapt Your Teaching to Autism

27 February 2024

To the tutors out there: How many of you have encountered “difficult” students? The nature of your job allows you to meet all sorts of...

How is Literature Relevant to Our Future?

15 February 2024

[iStock] Romeo and Juliet, The Joy Luck Club, Lord of the Flies. These are some of the literature classics taught in school for the GCE...

5 Benefits of Outdoor Learning

30 January 2024

(Pexels - Chris J Mitchell) In education, both classroom and outdoor learning are significantly important, as they both bring their own benefits. For classroom learning,...

Tutoring 101: How Can You Teach Productively as a Tutor

26 January 2024

As competitive as Singaporeans are, the term “tuition” is no longer distant from its relevance to local education. This is why being a tutor has...

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