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Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

Which Science Reigns Supreme: A Look at Physics, Biology, and Chemistry

15 June 2023

(Unsplash - Unseen Studio) It’s nearing the end of Secondary 2 and you will have to choose which science subject to further study for the...

How to Choose the Right Master’s Degree

15 June 2023

Source: Hai Nguyen Choosing the right master's degree can be a daunting task, as it can shape your future career trajectory and personal development. Let's...

5 Reasons Why Teaching Assistants Are Important

06 June 2023

(Unsplash - Van Tay Media) Everyone knows who teachers are, but what about teaching assistants? They aren’t talked about nearly enough or as often as...

Writer’s Block Problem: Strategies for Jumpstarting Your Essay Writing Process

06 June 2023

Essays are relatively short texts, but they can carry tons of information and require a lot of research. The type of essay can determine your...

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