SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Common mistakes

Essential Info About Combined Humanities in Secondary School

31 December 2020

Secondary Two students moving to Secondary Three will notice that there is a compulsory subject named Combined Humanities.  Students will also notice that they will...

How to Handle An Angry Parent

22 December 2020

As a tutor, there will be a chance where you will be faced with an angry parent. It could be because of your way on...

7 Reasons To Learn Economics in JC

21 December 2020

Most JC students choose the ‘PCME’ subject combination without giving it much thought. The ‘E’ stands for Economics. In fact, Economics is one of the...

How to Appeal for a Secondary School Posting in Singapore

16 December 2020

For students who are taking their PSLE and moving up to Secondary 1, one of their top goals is to be able to enter the...

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