The University Admission Score: Calculating Your Rank Points

03 December 2021

In Singapore, your rank points can significantly impact where you go to university, especially if you’re looking to gain admissions into a specific course or...

Tips on Scoring A1 on O-Level Social Studies

16 October 2021

Amongst all the subjects available on the O-Level curriculum, Social Studies would be one of the most likely to take the top spot when it...

Preparing for the Paper 3 Practical Exam in O-Level Chemistry

12 October 2021

In Singapore, the O-Level exam is undoubtedly one of the most crucial certifications for secondary school students. However, because of its importance in their education,...

How to Prepare and Revise for the Upcoming PSLE Exams

30 September 2021

With a few days remaining before the Primary School Leaving Exams (PSLE) starts, knowing how to prepare and revise for PSLE is crucial. It’s also...

Top 9 Tips to Help You Score an A1 on Your O-Level Chinese

10 September 2021

Many Singaporean students tend to experience a hard time with the Chinese subject at school. If you're experiencing the same thing, you're not alone. Sometimes,...

6 Tips to Develop Killer-Research Skills for Poly and Uni Students

02 September 2021

For polytechnic and university students these days, their assignments require them to conduct tons of research. And when I mean tons, I really mean TONS....