SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Should I Take a Business or Economics Degree in Singapore?

27 April 2021

Singapore is known for its great universities, offering world-class degrees in both business and economics (and other programs as well). Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur...

7 Types of Poly Students in Singapore

11 April 2021

Polytechnic really exposes us to many types of students from different walks of life doesn’t it? Students in polytechnics enroll in a wide array of...

Polytechnic Survival Guide: What to Know as a Freshie

26 March 2021

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 Polytechnics after your O/N Levels? Or already a poly student trying to adapt to a whole new...

6 Questions Answered About Why Singapore Could Be Your Go-Study Abroad Destination in 2021

25 March 2021

Singapore managed to rise from a third-world nation to the first world within a single generation. The small island is home to internationally recognized universities....

How to Set Effective Goals: A Quick Guide for Students

11 March 2021

Academic success starts with setting goals. It helps students to plan and organize their work, maintaining an optimal level of motivation and productivity. The effectiveness...

Studying Abroad As An Online Student

03 March 2021

Studying abroad can be an amazing experience. If you don’t want to continue your studies in Singapore and you are looking at tertiary education options,...