Best Parental Control Apps for Your Child’s Smartphone

03 June 2019

Smartphones are a very important part of everyday life and if you do not have one, then you are missing out. Almost everyone nowadays has...

5 Must-Have Apps to Boost Your Child’s Brain Power for PSLE

22 April 2019

Is your child taking their PSLE this year? If that is a big yes, your child would definitely need all the help they can get...

9 Proven Ways to Prevent Tween Behaviour Problems at Home

15 April 2019

Nowadays, it is very common to hear stories about parents having problems dealing with their 11 to 14-year-old. They would often share with me how...

Tiger Mums – Signs You’re Too Strict With Your kids

08 April 2019

When your child is up to mischief, what is your usual response? Do you remove their TV time? Give them a time out? What do...

What are the Changes in Babies to Toddler Attention Span?

01 April 2019

For many parents, taking care of their young children is a tough challenge because of the boundless energy they have. It is not uncommon to...

9 Ways Singaporean Parents Can Use To Motivate A Reluctant Learner

21 February 2019

To your dismay, you have discovered that your kid doesn't want to learn. She has no motivation whatsoever. Your wheedling and bribing haven't worked. So...