SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

Being a Private Tutor – How Much Can you Earn as a Private Tutor?

05 January 2021

Do you have a passion for teaching? Does being a private tutor intrigue you? Or are you looking for a switch in your career?  If...

How to Set Boundaries as a Tutor and Why Its So Important

05 January 2021

As a tutor, you control your own time and manage your own workload. Being your own boss may sound good, but sometimes, it can be...

Benefits of Teaching Students with Special Needs

18 December 2020

Students with special needs are often overlooked in many countries, including Singapore. Not only do special needs students require more attention and love, teaching them...

How To Strengthen The Relationship With Your Online Students

14 December 2020

This year has been tough for many industries, even for the private education sector. Many private tutors have been forced to go into online tutoring...

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