Must read articles for School

The Best Homeschooling Resources Online

20 April 2020

Homeschooling is now becoming a trend in many countries worldwide. Many parents are recognising homeschooling as a good education choice since it allows education to...

What Singapore can Learn from Other Countries in Managing COVID-19 Challenges in Education

13 April 2020

Since the first spread of the COVID-19 virus in China last year, almost 80% of the world’s total student population were forced to leave school...

MOE Shifts to Home-Based Learning During Circuit Breaker: What does this mean for you?

13 April 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting Singapore, the Ministry of Education announced that all schools will fully move to home-based learning until 5th May, or...

Financial Help for Low and Middle Income Students in Singapore

04 April 2020

For years, parents have to struggle in paying tuition fee costs for students in Singapore as they continue to increase every year. The Singaporean government...

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