SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for School Admissions

How to Appeal for a Secondary School Posting in Singapore

16 December 2020

For students who are taking their PSLE and moving up to Secondary 1, one of their top goals is to be able to enter the...

A to Z Guide to the Secondary 1 Posting Exercise

08 December 2020

Before the start of PSLE, many parents worry over their child's selection of secondary schools as a entering a good school often means a brighter...

Polytechnics in Singapore: Overview, Courses, Admissions

20 October 2020

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 polytechnics after completing your N/O Levels, Nitec or Higher Nitec Diploma? There’s a ton of information you...

How to Choose your IB Diploma Subjects?

17 October 2020

Students often have different opinions when it comes to the IB program. Some say it is the toughest undertaking any student can take because of...

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