Must read articles for Primary

6 Ways to Communicate to Your Students with Special Needs

14 November 2020

Every child is unique. Especially for children with special needs who need extra help to showcase their full potential. Some of these children need more...

How to Make your Project Powerpoint Presentation Worthy of an ‘A’

02 November 2020

Creating the perfect project Powerpoint presentation is a trial and error process. Every student can design it based on the topic they were given or...

How to Engage Your Classmates During Your Project Presentation?

25 October 2020

Projects and group discussions are normal in curriculum, especially in both junior college and polytechnics. You are suppose to present your research and findings on...

10 Best Playgroups in Singapore

13 October 2020

As a young parent, I know how playgroups are important to both the baby and the parent. Playgroups allow the child to get a taste...

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