Must read articles for Polytechnic

Polytechnics in Singapore: Overview, Courses, Admissions

20 October 2020

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 polytechnics after completing your N/O Levels, Nitec or Higher Nitec Diploma? There’s a ton of information you...

Best 16 Study Spots with Free Wi-Fi in Singapore

19 September 2020

After school, it is very difficult for some students to find a perfect study spot where they can review and revise. While there are students...

What Happens When I Fail a Subject in Poly?

02 September 2020

Failing a subject is one of the greatest fears of every student. It can spell disaster for a student’s academic career, especially if they want...

Where to Find Internship Jobs in Singapore?

28 July 2020

Internships are important for any graduating Singaporean students who wish to get preliminary working experience before they enter the corporate world. It is where they...

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