
Must read articles for N level

Essential Info About Combined Humanities in Secondary School

31 December 2020

Secondary Two students moving to Secondary Three will notice that there is a compulsory subject named Combined Humanities.  Students will also notice that they will...

Polytechnics in Singapore: Overview, Courses, Admissions

20 October 2020

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 polytechnics after completing your N/O Levels, Nitec or Higher Nitec Diploma? There’s a ton of information you...

Covid-19 Arrangements for National Exam Takers including PSLE, N Levels, O Levels and A Levels

05 September 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still lingering across the country, the Singapore government announced new arrangements for this year’s national examinations. The dates for the PSLE...

Are We Too Focused on Grades in Singapore?

06 August 2020

Academic performance in Singapore is often pushed to children because it is believed that the better they perform at school, the better their chances are...

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