Must read articles for JC

Bringing Your Lessons to Life by Integrating Real-World Scenarios

28 June 2022

[Adobe Stock] As a tutor, you have probably scoured every blog article for tutors to make your lessons engaging and effective for your students. But...

Transferring from a JC to a Poly

07 February 2022

Like many, Sydney, now 21, had her eyes fixed on the Junior College (JC) route after her O-Levels, “because it was the more familiar and...

The University Admission Score: Calculating Your Rank Points

03 December 2021

In Singapore, your rank points can significantly impact where you go to university, especially if you’re looking to gain admissions into a specific course or...

How to Help A-Level Students Avoid Burn-Out at the Last Push

01 November 2021

The written examinations for A-Levels are just commencing and stress is in the air. Students are most prone to suffer from burnouts at this crucial...

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