Must read articles for Homework

8 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Organisational Skills

24 October 2021

Being a good organiser is part of the basic life skills that we need to pass on to our children. Having good organisational skills will...

6 Tips to Develop Killer-Research Skills for Poly and Uni Students

02 September 2021

For polytechnic and university students these days, their assignments require them to conduct tons of research. And when I mean tons, I really mean TONS....

6 Presentation Tips To Ace Your Way Through Poly

10 March 2021

Recently, I spoke to a student from Republic Polytechnic (RP) about what is life like as a RP student. I found out that presentations are...

7 Things About Childhood Trauma Every Tutor Needs to Know

06 March 2021

According to a recent report, 64% of Singapore adult population have experienced at least one negative childhood incident within first 18 years of their lives. There...

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