Must read articles for Exam prep

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in the PSLE English Comprehension Exam

03 September 2020

Is your child having trouble acing his or her English comprehension practice tests? Or do you want to improve his scores on this section of...

What Happens When I Fail a Subject in Poly?

02 September 2020

Failing a subject is one of the greatest fears of every student. It can spell disaster for a student’s academic career, especially if they want...

What to Do When Your Child Do Badly in His Prelims

22 August 2020

Every parent wants their children to succeed in everything they do, especially in their exams. Their exams will be key to their academic success and...

Proven Tips to Help Your Young Child Discover How to Plan and Prioritize His Time

18 August 2020

Children often find it difficult to manage their time because they are overwhelmed with the activities they have to do. While teaching time management can...

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