Must read articles for English

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Technical Essay

19 April 2022

[iStock] What is a technical essay? A technical essay is something like a short academic journal article used to describe technical information. You might be...

The Best Child-Friendly YouTube Channels to Educate Young Minds

10 March 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has given virtual learning a global platform because many teachers are conducting even their pre-school lessons online. This has made it compulsory...

How to Teach Creative Writing to Primary School Students

27 January 2022

Children in Singapore begin learning to write compositions in Primary One and hence, writing is very new to most primary school students. It might be...

4 Simple Ways Tutors Can Motivate Young Readers

20 January 2022

Reading books can be boring for young children who have a hard time staying still and face difficulties in understanding the benefits of reading. Reading...

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