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Must read articles for Common mistakes

Is Tuition Necessary in JC?

26 February 2021

Every student is different when it comes to how fast they can learn a subject as it becomes harder through time. As a result, some...

6 Mistakes to Avoid in Writing Your A Level GP Essay

22 February 2021

General papers are a challenge to write for some students because they are uncertain how to write it efficiently. Some may write beyond what is...

How to Find and Nurture Your Child’s Passions

10 February 2021

We want our children to pursue the things they love to do and are interested in because  it is a great way for them to...

8 Steps to Repaying Your University Student Loan as Soon as Possible

06 February 2021

Many university students often find themselves at a loss when it comes to how they will pay their university student loans once they graduate. Considering...

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