Exam Tips
Want to ace your exams? Need a structured way to prepare for exams? We got your back! We have articles that cover common mistakes made, how best to revise for certain types of exams and get that coveted A! Different students struggle with different subjects, but we have study guides that would help in all exams, PSLE, O levels, N levels, A levels and even SATs and also help students deal with exam stress for mental well-being!
We are invested in helping all students unlock their potential and improve their grades with the least amount of effort.
10 English Essay Writing Tips for O-Levels Students
23 April 2021
Essay writing is a crucial skill that all students should learn. Especially in o-levels, when the competition is enormous. Students are under immense pressure to...
15 Time Management Tips to Improve Exam Revision
07 April 2021
When it comes to exam revisions, students prepare differently. Some are able to create new routines for themselves to make their study time more effective...
6 Presentation Tips To Ace Your Way Through Poly
10 March 2021
Recently, I spoke to a student from Republic Polytechnic (RP) about what is life like as a RP student. I found out that presentations are...
6 Mistakes to Avoid in Writing Your A Level GP Essay
22 February 2021
General papers are a challenge to write for some students because they are uncertain how to write it efficiently. Some may write beyond what is...
How to Make your Project Powerpoint Presentation Worthy of an ‘A’
02 November 2020
Creating the perfect project Powerpoint presentation is a trial and error process. Every student can design it based on the topic they were given or...
How to Engage Your Classmates During Your Project Presentation?
25 October 2020
Projects and group discussions are normal in curriculum, especially in both junior college and polytechnics. You are suppose to present your research and findings on...
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