SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students

Student Loans: How Can They Affect You if Not Dealt With Properly

09 December 2019

A lot of university students are in a love-hate relationship with student loans. We all love them as they help us continue our studies which...

Best Study Loans in Singapore: In-Depth Comparison

23 October 2019

Best Study Loans in Singapore: In-Depth Comparison   University loans, much like private tuition rates nowadays, don’t come cheap. But it is every Singaporean parent’s...

Polytechnic Admission Tips to Secure Your Dream Course

10 October 2019

For many students like myself, entering a polytechnic school is a dream that is hard to reach. Students have to ensure that they have the...

Retaking the GRE: Should You Actually Do It?

09 September 2019

Taking a major test like the GRE is nerve-racking, especially if you need a specific score to get to the graduate school you want. People...

How Your Friends are Influencing Your Grades (Without You Realizing)

23 August 2019

There is a famous Chinese phase 在家靠父母 在外靠朋友 which means when we are at home, we depend on our parents but when we are away...

Dropping Out of University: What Happens Next?

22 April 2019

Dropping out of university is something that most of us never dreamed of going through. However, sometimes life takes a turn in that direction, and...