SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

How to Evaluate Your Students without Using Grades

28 April 2020

Grades are often seen by many as a way to see how much a student has progressed in their studies. If they have a high...

National Exams to Continue: How are Our Students Going to Cope without Teachers in Classrooms?

26 April 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has definitely changed the education sector throughout the country. Schools were shut down temporarily and all lectures are now done online. Parents...

Will Our Children Lose Out on Education due to Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Measures?

22 April 2020

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore, life has definitely changed for many Singaporeans, permanent residents and foreigners living in the country. Singapore...

Covid-19 Sure-Fire Tips for Better Online Teaching for Tutors

18 April 2020

Since the widespread transmission of Covid-19 was recorded, many schools and universities worldwide transferred their classes to online platforms as an effort to protect students...

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