Must read articles for Study hacks

Beyond the Classroom: How Libraries Support Student Learning and Achievement

24 August 2023

(Pexels - Element5 Digital) Every school has a library, yet not every student goes there often. You probably don’t either. This is because most of...

The Upsides And Downsides Of Holidays

05 August 2023

(Pexels - Irina Iriser) Holidays are days we all look forward to every year. It serves as a break from our usual routines and provides...

How To Strike The Perfect Balance Between Gaming And Studying

27 July 2023

(Unsplash - Fredrick Tendong) With so much focus being put on education in Singapore, it’s no surprise that students like you would turn to many...

5 Activities That Can Help Boost Your Creativity

22 July 2023

(Pixels - Pixabay) Creativity is an essential trait that can help us in so many areas of our lives.  While some people are naturally more...

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