SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

How is Gen Z Different and How Can You Relate to Them Better?

31 December 2021

Gen Z is the generation consisting of our current youths. They are born in the year range of about 1997 to 2012, which means that...

Should I Send My Child to a Preschool in Singapore?

27 December 2021

In this day and age, most parents don’t have the luxury to provide full-time care for their kids. As the number of dual-income families have...

Effective Study Tips: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

23 December 2021

Everyone who has been to school has done their fair share of studying, especially when it comes to exams. A lot of us have different...

15 Ways to Stay Sane During WFH As We Hit Our 2-Year Mark with Covid-19

15 December 2021

As we approach our two-year mark with Covid-19, exhaustion is in the air, but we have to remain strong in our fight. Among all, mental...

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