SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

What Are Burnouts And How Do They Affect Students?

06 December 2022

[iStock] Nearing the End of Year (EOY) exams, students strive to do their best and complete their revision. However, with the added stresses, students become...

How to Build Up Your Child’s Mental Resilience

03 December 2022

[iStock] Singapore’s education system - though known for its success in producing excellent students, can be extremely stressful for students. This is why it is...

How to Work With Students Who Lack Ambition

01 December 2022

[iStock] As a tutor, you might feel that some students feel harder to work with than others. It could be for many reasons; whether it’s...

Holiday Camp in Singapore — Best Way to Keep Your Child Busy on Holidays

10 November 2022

[Image by Newtonshow Camp] With the holidays coming up, many parents will be looking out for ways to keep their children occupied. Fortunately, there are...

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