SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Singapore tutor

How to Create a Sense of Community in Group Tuitions

13 April 2023

(Pexels - Chu Cuong) One of the challenges in having effective group tuition lessons is having a sense of community where our students feel connected...

Navigating Expectations: A Guide for Tutors to Effectively Communicate with Parents

05 April 2023

(Pexels - RODNAE Productions) As tutors, it can be tough to manage parental expectations, especially during exam periods. To ensure smooth and effective tutoring for...

Is Tuition Necessary for Primary Students?

28 March 2023

[Pexels, Louis Bauer] An increasing number of children are starting to have tuition, starting from as young as preschool. Parents want their children to be...

Weighted Assessment: Is the Stress Still On?

04 March 2023

[iStock] Because of a decision made by the Ministry of Education (MOE), there have been no Mid-Year Examinations (MYE) for the last three years.  This...

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