Must read articles for School

Singapore Schools Step Up to Help Needy Students

14 May 2020

Prior to the move of the national government to order schools to practice home-based learning (HBL), there is a concern amongst schools regarding their students...

Students from Graduating Cohorts are Allowed to Go Back to School from May 19

06 May 2020

Singapore is slowly loosening up its “circuit breaker” measures as the country tries to reintroduce normalcy for its people. In the education sector, the Ministry...

Debunking 8 Myths About Home-Based Learning in Singapore

02 May 2020

As part of its efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Singapore government ordered that all schools move their classes online as...

National Exams to Continue: How are Our Students Going to Cope without Teachers in Classrooms?

26 April 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has definitely changed the education sector throughout the country. Schools were shut down temporarily and all lectures are now done online. Parents...

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