Must read articles for PSLE

Top ways to Master Algebra quickly

19 July 2019

Algebra is one of the most difficult parts of math and many students like myself avoid it as much as possible. One has to be...

List of Scholarships in Singapore for Primary and Secondary School Students

24 June 2019

Every year, tuition fees in schools across the country increase to prices that parents cannot afford. As a result, some children are moved to a...

How to Identify if Your Child is Gifted?

20 June 2019

Is your child exhibiting signs of advanced skills and development? Are they picking up things faster than their peers and excelling at the things they...

Streaming into Normal and Express in Secondary Schools to stop in 2024: The Pros & Cons

06 June 2019

After 40 years, the Ministry of Education has announced that it is removing the Secondary School Streaming programs in 2024. In his speech on Tuesday,...

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