Must read articles for PSLE

Beating the Clock: How to Complete Your Paper in Time

02 March 2023

[Pexels] One of the challenges students face during their exams is being unable to complete their papers on time. Especially for Maths and Science papers....

Challenging PSLE Questions in Recent Years

06 October 2021

We have all heard about the recent Math question on Helen’s and Ivan’s coins that was exceptionally difficult for Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) students...

How to Prepare and Revise for the Upcoming PSLE Exams

30 September 2021

With a few days remaining before the Primary School Leaving Exams (PSLE) starts, knowing how to prepare and revise for PSLE is crucial. It’s also...

A Comprehensive Guide to Singapore’s SAP Schools

12 June 2021

Choosing a new school for your child is an exciting milestone. There are many aspects you should consider when taking this vital step. and it’s...

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