Must read articles for Primary

4 Simple Ways Tutors Can Motivate Young Readers

20 January 2022

Reading books can be boring for young children who have a hard time staying still and face difficulties in understanding the benefits of reading. Reading...

How does OWIS Ease the Transition from Primary to Secondary School?

01 November 2021

As your child transition from primary to secondary school, their learning and socio-emotional needs are changing as well. In an effort to meet these needs,...

How to Prepare and Revise for the Upcoming PSLE Exams

30 September 2021

With a few days remaining before the Primary School Leaving Exams (PSLE) starts, knowing how to prepare and revise for PSLE is crucial. It’s also...

8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Chinese Language

15 September 2021

Chinese Language is easily one of the most dreaded subjects Singaporean students always complain about. Many students these days would rather pour in hours studying...

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