SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

8 Reasons Why CCAs in Singapore School Are Important

13 January 2021

In Singapore, we’re provided with an enriching and holistic education. Every student is unique, some are more geared towards academics, while others perform better in...

10 Bullying Prevention Books for Singapore Parents and Educators

09 January 2021

School bullying is a very common trend in schools nowadays, especially as schools welcome students from various cultures and beliefs. Some cases of bullying are...

10 Movies That Teach Kids About Diversity and Inclusion

28 December 2020

Need some ideas about flicks you can watch with your family for movie night? If that is a yes, why not consider movies that will...

How to Handle An Angry Parent

22 December 2020

As a tutor, there will be a chance where you will be faced with an angry parent. It could be because of your way on...

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