SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Integrated Programme

Chemistry Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Operators

19 June 2024

In Singapore's academic journey, chemistry is pivotal from secondary to university levels. It's compulsory for O & A Levels, and crucial for various career paths...

Physics Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Options

13 June 2024

Are you looking to turn your physics struggles into success stories?  Singapore's bustling tuition scene has got you covered! With a sea of options out...

Are We Too Focused on Grades in Singapore?

06 August 2020

Academic performance in Singapore is often pushed to children because it is believed that the better they perform at school, the better their chances are...

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) Guide for Parents

27 March 2020

Singapore is always known for having an efficient math curriculum that many schools worldwide are trying to replicate. Children who undergo Singapore’s math curriculum often...

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