SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

How to Boost Your Grades: Tips and Tricks

17 May 2021

Having good grades is not just for the super brilliant or the Einstein’ in your class. Anyone can have poor grades, as well as good...

Types of tuition available for PSLE English

17 May 2021

Are you looking for help for your child’s upcoming PSLE English?  You have come to the right place!  English Language has evolved to be a...

Best Spotify Music Playlists To Listen To While Studying

05 May 2021

Are you having difficulties concentrating while you study?  As a student in the past myself, I understand the struggle to concentrate while studying. This is...

Find the Right Event Space for Conducting Workshops

29 April 2021

Due to COVID-19, many schools or learning institutions have been conducting lessons via video conferencing. I’m sure many of us struggled with adjusting to the...

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