SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

8 Mind-Boggling Human Biology Facts to Tell Your Child to Create Interest in Biology

16 December 2020

Is your child a stubborn one who doesn’t want to do anything related to science? Well, it’s very common for children to be uninterested in...

5 Danger Signs You’re Raising An Entitled Child

12 December 2020

Childhood is an important time in their development. During our children's childhood days, they learn how to push us to the limit and see our...

How to Talk to Parents on Sensitive Issues Regarding their Child

08 December 2020

Talking about sensitive issues regarding a child is stressful for both the parents and their tutors. Sensitive issues can be related but not limited to:...

Pros and Cons of Large Childcare in Singapore

30 November 2020

Enrolling your child into the best childcare facility in Singapore is a challenging venture because there are a lot of options you can choose from....

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