SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

How To Ignite Your Student’s Interest in Science

19 May 2022

Science is a huge and important subject that entails many key concepts. Students in Singapore start learning Science at Primary 3 and it’s compulsory for...

How Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Can Benefit Your Kids in the Long Run

17 May 2022

Reading books is generally considered an excellent way for kids to learn and support their growth and development. Aside from teaching them valuable life lessons,...

How Can Parents Help Tutors?

05 May 2022

Previously, we interviewed one of our tutors, Ms Niki Wang, for our other article “What's So Special About Being a Tutor? Interviews With Those Who...

How Can Tutors Use the School Holidays To Their Advantage?

03 May 2022

The school holidays are what students always look forward to as they get to rest and have fun. There are no classes, and they get...

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