How Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Can Benefit Your Kids in the Long Run

17 May 2022

Reading books is generally considered an excellent way for kids to learn and support their growth and development. Aside from teaching them valuable life lessons,...

How You Can Encourage Your Kids to Enjoy Learning Chinese

26 February 2022

Have you ever wondered how you can make learning Chinese fun for your children? As difficult as it sounds, children have a massive potential in...

How a Play Based Approach Can Advance Your Child’s Gross Motor Skills

22 February 2022

Children are naturally active and they love to move. A child can hone his/her gross motor skills by participating in physical activities. When children participate...

Autism and Education: How to Prevent Sensory Overload

10 February 2022

Children with autism are highly sensitive to their surroundings because they have a delicate sensory system. This means noise easily overloads their senses (taste, touch,...

The Approach to Finding Joy in Secondary Math

06 January 2022

It’s true that learning mathematical concepts at the Secondary school level requires work. But Math should be exciting, not tedious. For many older children, the...

8 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Organisational Skills

24 October 2021

Being a good organiser is part of the basic life skills that we need to pass on to our children. Having good organisational skills will...