Teaching Tips
As a parent, it is hard to stay on top on all the subjects your child has to juggle and tutor them well. The articles here cover a range of ages (from primary school to secondary school and Junior College level), subjects (humanities, languages and sciences), and ways to help motivate your child in school. We update our parents on the newest syllabus changes, tips for effective learning and exam preparation tricks.
5 Educational DIY Activities for Your Toddler
27 March 2023
[Pexels, cottonbro studio] Ever had your child complaining about being bored out of their mind and at a loss for what to do? Here are...
A Parent’s Guide: How to Teach Your Children Phonics
20 February 2023
[Getty Images, Xijian] Teaching your child to read is both an exciting and rewarding milestone in their life. You get the opportunity to see firsthand...
Play Before Work or Work Before Play?
06 February 2023
[Pexels, Lum3n] From young, my mother told me that it’s important to work before playing, so that I could relax fully after I finished my...
Help Your Child Master Math With These Tips
23 January 2023
Math is crucial for all school-attending children in Singapore because it's one of the subjects tested in the curriculum. It can be frustrating for both...
DSA Interviews: How to Set Your Child Up for Success
21 November 2022
[Twenty20] What are ‘DSA interviews’ in Primary School? They are interviews that your child goes through during the Direct School Admissions (DSA) for their secondary...
5 Spooky STEM Challenges To Do With Your Preschoolers This Halloween
20 October 2022
[Unsplash] Halloween is just around the corner! While Singapore do not go on trick-or-treating activities, scary decorations or TV shows can get a bit extreme...

Parenting is hard, don’t do it alone.
We’ve got tips to help you prepare your child for exams, parenting tips and the latest updates on syllabus.