Self-Motivated Learning: How To Instill Your Child’s Sense Of Responsibility At Home

06 October 2018

When it comes to teaching the concept of responsibility to children, it is a challenge for Singapore teachers and parents alike because it is a...

Does Playing Sports Help Improve School Grades?

04 October 2018

Oftentimes the notable improvements in kids' participation in physical education and sports include a reduced risk of obesity and improved fitness. Though not often mentioned,...

How to Help Your Child to Set Up Their Website for Blogging and School Projects

27 September 2018

Nowadays, it is important for people to have an online presence because it enables people to connect with others and also share their talents. There...

Screen Time for Kids: Are They Spending Too Long On Mobile?

22 September 2018

In Singapore, it is not difficult to see a table of family members during meal time, each using their mobile devices, lost in their own...

7 Brain Foods for Kids: Nutrition to Help Kids Stay Sharp in School

20 September 2018

Most parents do want their children to have improved performance in their studies. If this is the case for you, have you taken a closer...

How does Nutrition Affect Young Students’ Achievements in School?

06 September 2018

Did you know? If the body’s hydration levels drop by up to 2%, it disables kids from processing information and focusing on their work. If...