Tuition rates
The most common question parents have on their mind before employing a private tutor or sending their child for group tuition would definitely be “How is tuition in Singapore?”.
For private tuition rates in Singapore, tutors are classified into certain bands, depending on their qualification i.e. part time tutors, full time tutors, current or ex MOE school teachers and then according to the level taught i.e. Primary, Secondary, JC/Poly and University. Our articles help parents choose a suitable tutor that meets their child’s study needs and their budget, as well as the expected home tuition rates per hour they should expect.
As a tutor, you may then ask “How much should I charge for tutoring?”. Our articles also help tutors decide how they should set their tuition rates according to the market and what hourly tuition rate they should expect as a full time tutor.
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