SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

What Causes Mind Blanks During Exams?

02 February 2023

[Adobe Stock] Many of us are familiar with the Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE), O levels, A levels, or even the end of years (EOYs)....

How to Manage Disappointment After Receiving O Level Results

12 January 2023

[Pexels, Pixabay] From today till 16th January, the O Level results are being released! The anticipation leading up to the moment when you collect your...

How to Get a Good Start to the New School Year

02 January 2023

[Pexels, Yi Lu] If your child is going to school for the first time, congratulations! It’s the start of a new journey. And if your...

The Benefits of Different Types of CCAs

24 December 2022

[iStock] No matter how much experience you have, joining a CCA can be scary.  If you want to know more about different CCAs before choosing...

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