SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

5 Tips for Overcoming Self-Imposed Pressure

07 April 2023

(Pexels - ANTONI SHKRABA production) Life can be stressful. Oftentimes, we put pressure on ourselves with or without knowing it, just to strive to achieve...

How Singapore Students Can Use LinkedIn to Boost their Career Prospects

06 April 2023

Students in Singapore are no strangers to social media. They live and breathe apps like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, and so many more. However, out...

Tips on How to Stay Safe Online for University Students

05 April 2023

(Pexels - George Pak) As university students, we all know how much independence we are given in our studies, so most of the decisions made...

Navigating Expectations: A Guide for Tutors to Effectively Communicate with Parents

05 April 2023

(Pexels - RODNAE Productions) As tutors, it can be tough to manage parental expectations, especially during exam periods. To ensure smooth and effective tutoring for...

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