SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Singapore tutor

6 Reasons Why Students Should Tutor Part-Time

14 November 2022

[Freepik] Looking for a part-time job? You might have considered working as a barista in Starbucks or as a sales assistant in Uniqlo. After all,...

Is It Time to Rethink How We Teach Online?

22 October 2022

[The Conservation] Online learning has become the new norm in Singapore’s education system. It is convenient, and as we step into the fourth industrial revolution,...

How to Achieve Work Life Balance as a Dedicated Tutor?

18 October 2022

[iStock] What is work-life balance? It is the balanced division of your time and focus between working and family or leisure activities. Achieving a work-life...

Will Teachers be Replaced by Technology?

10 October 2022

[iStock] As we stand on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution, the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds start to blur. Technology...

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