SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

How to Grow Closer to Your Child

17 January 2022

Amicable parent-child relationships are hard to find these days. In many families, parents and their children simply blame their distance on the generational gap and...

How Can Parents Support their Child’s Tutor?

10 January 2022

With our society growing increasingly competitive, tuition is very common nowadays. Parents hire private tutors or register at tuition centres to help their children catch...

Best Tips to Help Children Increase their Focus

06 January 2022

People often find themselves struggling with staying focused. It is the same for both grown-ups and youngsters. However, it is fair to say that older...

How Should You Change Your Parenting Approach as Your Child Transitions into their Teenage Years?

03 January 2022

Transitioning into their teenage years is both scary for the teen and stressful for their parents.  Parents have to cope with their teenager’s mood swings,...

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