SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

Are Music Lessons Worth It For Your Child?

08 October 2022

[Pexels] In Singapore, many parents send their children to music lessons to master an instrument like the piano or the violin. This gives their children...

8 Great Ways to Empower Children

04 October 2022

Ask any parent what they want for their children and the answer will be unanimous: for them to be healthy and happy. As parents, we...

How to Teach Your Preschooler the Concept of Time

26 September 2022

[Adobe Stock] The concept of time can be tricky, and learning it is a complicated process. So we should begin teaching our preschoolers the concept...

How to Teach Your Preschooler the Concept of Money

22 September 2022

[iStock] Studies show that the best time to start teaching our children the concept of money is during their preschool years (from 3 to 6...

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