SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

5 ways to Deal with Working Parent Guilt

25 May 2024

In this modern day and age where it seems like more families are choosing to have both parents in the workforce, a common struggle that...

Stay Away From Misinformation: Debunking 4 Worst TikTok Health Trends!

21 May 2024

TikTok is a household name at this point.  You’d be living under a rock not knowing about the latest social media. Dance videos, lip syncing...

How Early Should You Start Teaching Your Child About Money?

07 April 2024

It begins with the first grocery trip. Or sometimes, it’s when they want a new toy. It would be the start of a long conversation...

From Shoplifting to Underaged Drinking: Why Do Teenagers Commit Petty Crimes?

22 March 2024

Parenting is a tough job. It’s sometimes hard to know what goes on in your children’s minds. It’s not without reason that the terms “going...

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