Must read articles for Math

Maths Tuition in Singapore – 23 Popular Math Tutor Options

27 November 2018

Math can be a VERY frustrating subject for your child. Through primary, secondary and JC, many students continuously struggle in grasping mathematical concepts. In fact,...

How Can I Help My Child Use Abstract Thinking in Math?

17 September 2018

It is not uncommon to hear about children find it hard to learn math, especially as they move up a different level. For kids, learning...

Is Your Child Having Difficulty in Math? He Might Have Dyscalculia.

15 September 2018

Math is a subject many kids truly detest considering the concepts they will need to be familiar with to solve a particular problem. In Singapore,...

Bahasa Melayu: Not as Difficult as You Think

14 September 2018

The Malay language is ceremonially accepted as the national language in Singapore. Presently, the status and the evolution of the Malay language is overseen by...

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