Must read articles for Exam prep

What Are Burnouts And How Do They Affect Students?

06 December 2022

[iStock] Nearing the End of Year (EOY) exams, students strive to do their best and complete their revision. However, with the added stresses, students become...

How to Retake O Levels as A Private Candidate

26 November 2022

[iStock] O levels in Singapore is one of the major milestones students must overcome to advance to higher education. But sometimes, students don’t get a...

Debunking Five Misconceptions About Active Learning

12 November 2022

[Education Technology Transformation] In Singapore, the education system is beginning to encourage students to take part in active learning. However, there are still many misconceptions...

7 Compo Topics to Give Your Students for Homework

07 November 2022

[Depositphotos] English paper one’s compositions (or essays) can be quite difficult for students to practice for. Not only is it difficult for them to self-mark...

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