SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

Mistakes Students Make When Prepping for the Exams, and How to Avoid Them

03 September 2022

Exams are considered one of the most common ways of gauging a student’s overall understanding of the subject matter and their readiness to tackle more...

4 Top Online Tools Every Student Needs in 2022

24 August 2022

Thanks to the advancement of technology during the pandemic, the number of educational technology tools and apps has increased dramatically. Such tools are aimed at...

How Important Is A Study Table For Education?

15 August 2022

[Unsplash] In academics, having the perfect study environment is an important factor in students’ academic success. After all, students need to establish a place where...

Are You Overwhelming Your Students During Lessons?

15 August 2022

[iStock] A common mistake many of us new tutors might make is overwhelming our students during lessons. When we overwhelm our students - either by...

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