SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

Why are Singapore’s IB Schools So Popular for International Students?

05 January 2023

[Unsplash, Van Tay Media] Singapore as a country is one of the top education choices for people worldwide. It is home to one of the...

Why Do Some Students Hate Homework?

05 January 2023

[Pexels, Lum3n] Do you hate homework? Do you feel dread when teachers assign you homework, and disappointed when you have to take time out of...

Is Tutoring A Skill?

29 December 2022

[Pexels, Pixabay] Tutoring is hard, there’s no doubt about it.  It’s hard to cater to the needs of different types of students. There are so...

Debunking Five Misconceptions About Active Learning

12 November 2022

[Education Technology Transformation] In Singapore, the education system is beginning to encourage students to take part in active learning. However, there are still many misconceptions...

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