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Must read articles for Effective learning

Writer’s Block Problem: Strategies for Jumpstarting Your Essay Writing Process

06 June 2023

Essays are relatively short texts, but they can carry tons of information and require a lot of research. The type of essay can determine your...

Are Singaporean Parents Reading Enough To Inspire Their Children’s Reading Habits?

29 May 2023

Reading is an essential skill that is important for children's development. It helps with language acquisition, cognitive development, and even emotional intelligence. However, getting children...

What Makes an Ideal Group Member In Projects? Characteristics for Success!

25 May 2023

(Pexels - Artem Podrez) In today's world, teamwork and collaboration are crucial to success in almost every aspect of life. Whether we like it or...

4 Reasons Why You Should Study A Level Economics

24 May 2023

(Unsplash - m.) Unsure of which subjects to study for your A-levels? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! Many students today, like you, are torn between...

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